AmigaActive (1841/2143)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:28 May 2000 at 23:52:19
Subject:Re: Kickstart Show

Hello Gerald

On 29-May-00, you wrote:

> On 28 May 00, at 23:14, Chris Green wrote:

> Thanks. So which is best, the Twister or the Silver Surfer? I didn't
> pay much attention to the reviews at the time because I had no need
> for a replacement serial interface. And I don't have my magazines
> here at university with me, so I can't check through back-issues. The
> descriptions in the Power Computing ad in AA both say the same
> thing, and their website isn't much better.

Well me myself, I am using a Twister. I have never had any problems with it
yet. I only had the AteoBus and clock port problem (obscured)

The Twister cost £5 more than the Silver-Surfer iirc but the Twister has its
own Hardware flow control. I don't know how much difference this make's

> Gerry

Ok? :-)

*Sam Thomas* - Amiga user, Simple as that : ) ICQ:64489402

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